Interview & Feature Contact Form

Please tick below the areas of Gaydio you are happy to be contacted for: *
The area in which you or your company cover in the UK: *
Tick if you would like to receive information from the client using one or more of these methods: *

By submitting your details here, you agree to Gaydio and The Gaydio Academy keeping your information above. Your details will be stored securely in our online database for two years, at which point they will be automatically deleted if there has been no future contact made after this initial form is completed. If contact has been made then your details will be refreshed for another 2 years from each contact made.

By submitting this form allows Gaydio to contact you for future works with Gaydio and The Gaydio Academy on the tick options you have chosen above e.g On Air Interviews or Features

Also by submitting this contact form, you confirm that you have read, understood and are in agreement with our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

If you have any further questions or to withdraw/change anything from Gaydio's contact procedure once submitted then please contact


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